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Signing Up for Medicare? Know Before You Enroll

Signing Up for Medicare? Know Before You Enroll

Signing Up for Medicare? Know Before You Enroll

Medicare comes with a lot of choices. Navigating through them can be confusing, and choosing your plan on a whim at the grocery store could leave you without the right coverage. To help on your Medicare journey, Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County encourages you to “Know Before You Enroll” and our Patient Financial Navigators are here to help.

“Every person has different needs and a unique situation that requires individualized Medicare planning,” said Megan Benedict, Patient Financial Navigator at MHSC. “Knowing before you enroll helps you understand your needs, so you get the right coverage from day one.”

Finding Your Fit

Medicare coverage begins at age 65. You can sign up three months before or after your birthday to avoid a gap in coverage. Once a year, Medicare allows you to update your plan during open enrollment. Otherwise, changing plans can be difficult.

“It’s hard to understand the ins and outs of Medicare,” said Lena Warren, Community Outreach Director at MHSC. “If you’re getting close to age 65, we’re here to help year-round, through open enrollment and beyond.”

Our Patient Financial Navigators can help you learn what plan or plans best meet your needs. They can help go through all parts and supplemental plans.

How We Help

The MHSC Patient Financial Navigators serves as a free educational resource. We walk you through your Medicare options as early as three months before you turn 65.

During a 60- to 90-minute meeting, we ask questions to understand your needs. We then explain how different plans meet those needs.

Topics we discuss include:

  • Benefits and other income you receive
  • Chronic health conditions you have
  • Current health providers you use
  • Medications you currently take (please bring all medications to the meeting)
  • Out-of-pocket expenses for each Medicare option
  • Your personal lifestyle choices

MHSC financial navigators don’t sell Medicare. They don’t sign you up for coverage. Rather, they empower you to make the best choice. By the time we finish talking, you’re confident. You understand what each plan provides, and you’re ready to sign up.

“Picking the best plan requires planning, research, and time to evaluate your personal circumstances. It’s a decision that shouldn’t be made in the spur of the moment,” said Melida Marin, Patient Financial Navigator. “We’ve seen the financial stress patients experience when they have the wrong coverage. So, we feel a moral obligation to educate the community on their options, and we gladly take on that responsibility.”

Eager to Know Before You Enroll? Assistance is available whether you speak English or Spanish. Call 307-352-8202 to schedule your free one-on-one meeting with a MHSC financial advisor.