Beyond the Scale
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Beyond the Scale
Knowing your body composition can give you a better idea of your overall health.
Many people develop their health goals based on their weight. But the number on the scale doesn’t give you a complete picture. Your body composition can help your provider better understand your risk for diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and other chronic conditions.
“It’s important to understand your body composition because it gives you a better idea of the overall health and fitness of your body,” said Nicole Manus, RT(R), CIIP-PACS Administrator at Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County. “It gives a more accurate way of measuring how much fat versus muscle your body is made up of. Just because two people have the same weight doesn’t mean their level of health is the same.”
A Simple Scan
MHSC offers body composition scans by appointment every Tuesday and Wednesday for $85. This painless imaging exam only takes about seven minutes to complete, with the appointment lasting between 15 and 30 minutes. No prep is needed.
“No two bodies are the same, and it’s important to know your body,” Manus said. “We want to help people achieve their goals, get fit, and stay active as they get older.”
Learn more or schedule your body composition scan, call 307-352-8187. No referral is required.