Sixth person tests positive
- Category: Health & Wellness
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- Written By: Sweetwater County COVID-19 Emergency Operations Center Public Information Office
Sweetwater County healthcare agencies were notified Tuesday, April 7, 2020, by a private lab that Sweetwater County has its sixth case of COVID-19.
The lab has confirmed a woman in her 40s, living in Green River, has tested positive for COVID-19. The patient remains in fair condition and continues to manage her illness at home, according to Sweetwater County Public Health.
She is not a close contact of any of the previous Sweetwater County cases, but is linked with a previous exposure, according to Public Health.
Sweetwater County’s first patient, a male in his 40s, has recovered. His close contacts will be quarantined until April 10.
The second person, a male in his 20s, was released from isolation Monday, April 6. Only five of his contacts meet state testing criteria. The third person, a child, is in the same home as the second person, and remains in good condition in self-isolation. Contact tracing was completed on the fourth and fifth positive cases announced Saturday.
It is extremely important to stay 6-feet away from people you are not housed with, send only one person to the grocery story, and stay home if possible. If you’re sick, stay home.
If you have a temperature of 100 or greater or a cough, call your provider or call the MHSC COVID-19 Nurse Triage Line at 307-522-8523 to discuss COVID-19 symptoms.
Don’t touch your T-zone – eyes, nose and mouth. Cover your cough –cough and sneeze into your sleeve or a tissue, NOT in your hands.
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