Full-service meals are provided for all patients and guests. Menus are provided in each room - ask a nurse for assistance. Meals for patients are prepared according to their physician's orders by a registered clinical dietitian. Room Service number is (307) 352-8435.
Free coffee, water, fruit punch and tea (hot and cold) is available in our dining area for all hospital visitors. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served daily. A café menu is available from the hospital staff or posted outside of the dining room. Here at Sweetwater Memorial, we take pride in changing the reputation of "hospital food." Nutrition Services also has dedicated many hours to educating the public on topics such as healthy cooking, diabetes and healthy living through food.
Daily Café Hours
Room Service hours: 7 a.m. - 7 p.m. Patient meals must be ordered by 6:30 p.m.
We have a kind, caring staff who put the patients first. We have experienced cooks and food servers who strive to make high quality, nutritious food available to all who have the pleasure of dining at Sweetwater Memorial. A full-time, registered dietitian is available for inpatient and outpatient consultations.
Michael Stromberg, Director of Unidine Services - 307-352-8496
Jose Ibarra, Clinical Dietitian - 307-212-7781
Shauna Erramouspe, Clinical Dietitian - 307-352-8528