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Diabetes Education

Empowering You With Knowledge

The Diabetes Self-Management Education Support (DSMES) Program is a service brought to you by the Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County and Sweetwater County Community Nursing Services. Our program is recognized by the American Diabetes Association, which ensures you will receive quality education that meets the National Standards for Diabetes Self-management Education Programs. Our team of nurses and dietitians offer one-on-one education tailored to fit your needs. The goal is to empower you, through knowledge, to manage your diabetes instead of your diabetes managing you.

A referral from your provider and an appointment are needed before education can be provided. We are here for you when you are ready!

Click here to access our Diabetes Self-Management Education/Training Referral & Phyician Order Form

Education topics include:

  • What is Diabetes?
  • Learning to Live with Diabetes
  • Meal Planning
  • Physical Activity and Exercise
  • Changing Behavior
  • Medications
  • Monitoring and Managing Blood Glucose
  • Stress and Coping
  • Personal Health Habits
  • Complications
  • Goal Setting


Josie Ibarra RDN/LD: 307-212-7781
Shauna Erramouspe MS/RDN/LD: 307-352-8528
Hours: 8 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. weekdays