Hospital appreciates the donations
- Category: Community, Announcement
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Business, industry and individuals have recently made generous donations to Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County
“We can’t thank you enough,” said Deb Sutton, Sweetwater Memorial Public Information Officer. “The donations of masks and other Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is greatly appreciated.”
PPE needed: In anticipation of an increase in COVID-19 patients, Sweetwater Memorial staff appreciate donations of PPE, including packages and boxes of N95 masks, Level 2 and Level 3 surgical masks, impervious isolation gowns, and hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol. Hand sanitizer must be in unused, unopened bottles.
For more information on how to donate PPE, contact the Sweetwater Memorial Materials Management Department at 307-352-8487.
Cloth masks/gowns: Many in the community are sewing masks and gowns for Sweetwater Memorial providers to use in a worst-case scenario. The hospital is accepting these donations, including long-sleeved, washable gowns.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “use of homemade masks, including bandanas and scarves, for care of patients with COVID-19 is a last resort.”
Medical institutions including Stanford Medicine report if surgical masks and other filters are not available, masks made of cotton or a cotton blend may be more effective than other types of material, particularly if used with some type of face shield.
For information on how to donate, contact Janae Gale, Community Outreach and Volunteer Services Director, at 307-352-8418
Childcare: With school no longer in session and daycares closed, Sweetwater Memorial staff is in need of childcare options. Those willing to watch the children of medical and necessary personnel can call Amber Fisk, Sweetwater Memorial Human Resources Director, at 307-352-8160.
Meals & snacks: “The staff is extremely thankful for the food donations,” Sutton said. “Going forward, we can only accept home-baked goodies if they are individually wrapped or individually packaged.”
Meal donations must arrive from restaurants in pre-wrapped, individual servings, such as individually wrapped sandwiches, boxed individual pizzas and individually bagged takeout meals.
Store-bought prepackaged treats such as chips, breakfast bars and other snacks also are welcome.
For details or to arrange a donation, contact Gale at 307-352-8418.
“We can’t thank the community enough for the outpouring of support,” Sutton said. “Our No. 1 goal is to keep our staff, patients and community healthy and safe. Your thoughtfulness and understanding is helping us achieve this.”