ER entrance repairs scheduled
- Category: Community, Announcement
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- Written By: Deb Sutton, Sweetwater Memorial Public Information Officer
The ER entrance will be closed Thursday, April 14, and Friday, April 15. Patients and visitors will be diverted to door No. 46 located directly in back of the emergency room. Those with appointments such as Medical Imaging, Respiratory or General Surgery are asked to use door No. 46 behind the ER. Staff and signage will be available to help with directions to registration.
ER entrance will be closed April 14-15, traffic diverted
Work will begin soon to repair damage caused during a late-February water break in the fire suppression system at Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County’s Emergency Room entrance.
April 11-13, ER Entrance OPEN: Work will begin Monday, April 11. Patients and visitors can continue to use the ER entrance to gain access to the hospital and emergency room through Wednesday, April 13. The main doors to the hospital continue to remain closed.
“Monday through Wednesday should be business as usual,” said Public Information Officer Deb Sutton. “On Thursday and Friday, the ER entrance will be closed, and patients will be diverted to the back of the building.”
April 14-15, ER Entrance CLOSED: The ER entrance will be closed Thursday, April 14, and Friday, April 15, for final repairs, Sutton said. On those two days, patients and visitors will be diverted to door No. 46 located directly in back of the emergency room. A ramp to the door is available, and it will be monitored. Security officers – stationed in a white Durango – and other liaisons will be available to help direct traffic.
Those with Medical Imaging, Respiratory or General Surgery appointments on April 14-15, are asked to use door No. 46 behind the ER. Staff and signage will be available to help with directions to registration.
The ambulance bay is not affected, Sutton said. The Specialty Clinics of Sweetwater Memorial also will not be affected.
“We apologize for the inconvenience,” Sutton said. “We thank everyone for their patience as the ER entrance floors are repaired.”