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Hospital ER entrance remains closed

Hospital ER entrance remains closed
MHSC back entrance to ERPatients will be diverted to door No. 46 at the back of the emergency room. A ramp to the door is available, and it will be monitored throughout the evening.

Traffic diverted to entrance behind the emergency room

As of 5 p.m. Thursday, the Emergency Room entrance at Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County remains closed due to a water leak.

Traffic will continue to be diverted through the evening, said Public Information Officer Deb Sutton. Security officers – stationed in a white Durango – will be available outside through the night to direct patients to a separate entrance at the back of the hospital. Patients will be diverted to door No. 46 directly in back of the emergency room. A ramp to the door is available, and it will be monitored throughout the evening.

“It is our hope to have the ER entrance lobby dried out and accessible by morning,” Sutton said. “We apologize for the inconvenience.”

The line break occurred earlier in the day at about 11:20 a.m. A frozen fire suppression system ruptured the sprinkler head in the ER lobby, said Gerry Johnston, MHSC Facilities Supervisor. A second sprinkler head at the main entrance ruptured a half hour later.

The ambulance bay was not affected, Sutton said. There were no injuries. The Rock Springs Fire Department and MHSC security crews acted immediately to ensure patient and staff safety.

For more on this and all Sweetwater Memorial has to offer, go to, or call 307-362-3711.