Innovation may come with a trip to anywhere
- Category: Awards & Recognitions
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- Written By: Deb Sutton, Sweetwater Memorial Marketing Director
Robert Burgess, the Executive Chef at Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County, is among nine candidates nominated for the CCL Culinary Innovation Ambassador award and the chance to win a trip to anywhere in the world.
Candidates for the award are picked from all of CCL Hospitality Group’s properties. This year is the first year of the Culinary Innovator program. All chefs at all levels within the organization are eligible to be nominated.
“I love my job at the hospital because I literally get to see people get better every day, and hopefully help a bit,” Burgess said. “I work with an amazing team, not only my Unidine team, but the MHSC team as, well.”
Burgess works for Unidine, which operates the hospital’s café and dietary services. Unidine is a subsidiary of CCL Hospitality Group.
The nominations are based on a number of factors including employee retention and waste tracking accuracy, as well as the chefs’ history and ability to innovate.
The next round for the candidates includes a review from the executive committee to decide which three will be awarded a Culinary Innovation trip to anywhere in the world.