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$14,000 in grants helps cancer patients

$14,000 in grants helps cancer patients

Cancer Center receives lodging, gas money from American Cancer Society

Two grants were recently awarded to Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County’s Sweetwater Regional Cancer Center by the American Cancer Society.

A $10,000 ACS grant will be used for patient lodging. A second, $4,000 ACS grant will be used for gas cards, according to Dawn Piaia, the director of the cancer center’s medical oncology/hematology unit.

“Sweetwater Regional Cancer Center staff are super excited and appreciative to have been granted $14,000 to help our patients with gas cards and lodging,” Piaia said. “This grant money can be used for all cancer types. Many of our patients who receive their cancer treatment here locally still must drive to Salt Lake City for appointments at Huntsman. With this money, SRCC can help with some of their gas costs.

“SRCC can also help with lodging for patients who are having surgery and need to spend the night in Salt Lake City,” Piaia said. “Our patients really appreciate the monetary gifts that we can give them because of the American Cancer Society grant money.”

For more information on Sweetwater Regional Cancer Center, go to To learn more about the American Cancer Society, go to