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Meet the Team: Rita Calzada

  • Category: Community, Announcement
  • Posted On:
  • Written By: Deb Sutton, Sweetwater Memorial Marketing Director
Meet the Team: Rita Calzada

Rita Calzada, a licensed clinical social worker at Sweetwater Regional Cancer Center, moved to Green River from Oregon 17 years ago. Before taking a position with the hospital, she was in private practice, specializing in play therapy.

She’s been working in the social work field for the past five years. “I love this profession and truly believe social workers are superheroes,” she said.

What does your job entail? My job entails addressing the multi-faceted needs of our community’s cancer patients. I help the patient navigate their diagnosis while in treatment and also after treatment. This can look differently for each patient, as they are unique and their cancer is unique.

What do you like most about your job and why? I love that I get the privilege to walk along with individuals while they go through one of the most difficult times in their lives. Cancer is a scary time for people. Knowing you have a team ready to help you as much as they can is why I love my job.

What inspired you to get into this line of work? I was inspired to get into social work due to the variety of jobs you can hold. Licensed clinical social workers can work in private practice, hospitals, schools, and several other community positions.

When you’re not at work, how do you like to spend your free time? I love the outdoors, spending time with my family, and traveling.

Tell us something most people don’t know about you. Most people don’t know that I have a passion for running support groups. We have two groups here at MHSC, one for survivors and another for caretakers.