Fifth person tests positive
- Category: Health & Wellness
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- Written By: Sweetwater County COVID-19 Emergency Operations Center Public Information Office
— Sweetwater County healthcare agencies were notified again Saturday, April 4, 2020, by a private lab that Sweetwater County has its fifth case of COVID-19. The county’s fourth case was announced earlier in the day.
The lab has confirmed a woman in her 40s, living in Green River, has tested positive for COVID-19. The patient remains in good condition and continues to self-isolate at home, according to Sweetwater County Public Health.
Contact tracing by Sweetwater County Public Health is under way on this case, as well as the fourth person who tested positive for COVID-19 earlier today.
Sweetwater County’s first patient, a male in his 40s, has recovered. His close contacts will be quarantined until April 10. The second person, a male in his 20s, remains in good condition and continues to self-isolate at home. Only five of his contacts meet state testing criteria. The third person, a child, is in the same home as the second person, and remains in good condition in self-isolation.
It is extremely important to practice social distancing. Treat those you are not housed with as though they are potential COVID-19 carriers.
- Stay more than 6 feet away from those you are not housed with.
- Work from home. Make use of Skype, Facetime, email, and text to stay in touch with friends and loved ones.
- Only send one person to the grocery store.
- If you have a temperature of 100 or greater or a cough, call your provider or call the MHSC COVID-19 Nurse Triage Line at 307-522-8523 to discuss COVID-19 symptoms.
- Don’t touch your T-zone – eyes, nose and mouth. Cover your cough –cough and sneeze into your sleeve or a tissue, NOT in your hands.
- More health and community updates can be found at,,, and