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COPE program

COPE – Creating Opportunities for Personal Empowerment

The Pediatric Clinic of Sweetwater Memorial launched the COPE – Creating Opportunities for Personal Empowerment – program in May 2020. Since then, it has been successful in helping numerous children and young adults.

COPE is a seven-week cognitive behavioral therapy program designed to build resiliency skills in children and teenagers. Openings are available in the program aimed at helping children, teens and young adults cope with stress and anxiety. The Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-based program is aimed at helping anyone from age 8 to 21 who is struggling with anxiety and depression.

How you think, affects how you behave
Depression & anxiety are treatable. COPE recognizes we can’t control trigger events, but we can control our responses. For less than the cost of just one session with a therapist, COPE teaches children, teens and young adults how to recognize and stop automatic negative thoughts and replace them with positive thoughts. The result is feeling better and behaving in healthy ways.

Who can benefit?
Children and teens age 7 to 18 who struggle with anxiety; depression; or the inability to handle stress in healthy, constructive ways. Parents can also reap the benefits.

Must parents attend?
Ages 7-11: Yes. Parents will learn ways to help reinforce the skills their child will be asked to practice throughout the week.
Ages 12-18: It’s optional. Parents are
encouraged to attend.

What’s expected of you
• Bring your manual to EVERY session.
• It’s important to complete the program. Every session teaches new skills.
• Practice. During each session, you will be taught skill-building activities and given a chance to practice them.

Does it really help?
In a COPE trial in a high school setting, teens who participated in the program compared to teens who did not receive COPE training had higher academic performance, less alcohol use, less depression, greater healthy lifestyle behaviors, and fewer problems with weight and obesity.

To find out more about the program or to make an appointment, call 307-212-7717.

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